Marian Liebmann töötab kunstiterapeudi, konsultandi ja õppejõuna mitmes UK ning Iirimaa kõrgkoolis. Ta on kirjutanud üle 10 taastava õiguse ning kunstiteraapia-alase raamatu sh "Art Therapy and Anger", "Art Approaches to Conflikt", "Art Therapy with Offenders", "Restorative Justice. How it works", "Art Therapy in Practice” jt. Marian on töötubasid juhendanud paljudes riikides. Dr. Marian Liebmani saavutusi on tunnustanud Suurbritannia kuninganna isiklikult. Eestisse tuleb ta esmakordselt.
Marian Liebmann has worked in art therapy with offenders, with women’s groups and community groups, and more recently in the Inner City Mental Health Team in Bristol, UK, where she has developed work on anger issues. She lectures on art therapy at several universities in the UK and Ireland. She also works in restorative justice, mediation and conflict resolution, and has run Art, Conflict and Anger workshops in many countries. She has written/edited ten books, including, Art Therapy with Offenders, Arts Approaches to Conflict, Art Therapy Race and Culture, Art Therapy for Groups and most recently Restorative Justice: How It Works (2007) and Art Therapy and Anger (2008). In 2010 she was awarded her PhD by publications from Bristol University and in 2013 the OBE, a national honour.
Marian Liebmann has worked in art therapy with offenders, with women’s groups and community groups, and more recently in the Inner City Mental Health Team in Bristol, UK, where she has developed work on anger issues. She lectures on art therapy at several universities in the UK and Ireland. She also works in restorative justice, mediation and conflict resolution, and has run Art, Conflict and Anger workshops in many countries. She has written/edited ten books, including, Art Therapy with Offenders, Arts Approaches to Conflict, Art Therapy Race and Culture, Art Therapy for Groups and most recently Restorative Justice: How It Works (2007) and Art Therapy and Anger (2008). In 2010 she was awarded her PhD by publications from Bristol University and in 2013 the OBE, a national honour.